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AARI BioScience

  1.  AARI BioScience accepts original research papers and review articles on all aspects of Bacteria, Algae, Fungi, Bryophyte, Pteridophyte, Gymnosperms, Angiosperms, Zooplankton and Animals  in relation to their Taxonomy, Diversity, Ecology, Environment and Exploitation of these for the benefit of human welfare and nature care.

  2. Papers are published on the understanding that the authors have to pay the Article Processing Charges (2500 INR for Indian Citizen as corresponding and first author and 100 $ for other Nationals) from 01.01.2022 afterwards.

  3. Manuscripts should be submitted as soft copy typed using Microsoft word, with font no. 12, Times New Roman script, in double line space. Figures and illustrations have to be made in to separate JPEG/TIFF plates accompanied with legend separately in MS word file. First page of the manuscript should contain the title of the paper, a running title name(s) of authors.

  4. The author(s) with address, email id of author for communication and an abstract not exceeding 200 words to be given in second page.

  5.  Original research papers should be divided into Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, conclusion, Acknowledgements (if any) and References.

  6. Tables with proper numbers and formatted properly to be included at the end of the Text in the manuscript.

  7. Figures should be grouped together in such a way as to drawn on the plate with clear figure numbers in good contrast to the back ground. Colour plates are accepted for publication there are no extra charges.

  8. Indicate clearly the position where tables, plates and figures to be inserted.

  9.  References in the text should be by name of author(s) and year of publication. Detailed reference giving name of author(s), year of publication, title of paper, abbreviated name of journal, volume, number and inclusive pages should be listed under references in an alphabetical order. Books should be cited by title, name of publisher and/or plates of publication and total number of pages.

  10. Papers intended for publication in AARI BioScience should be mailed to the Chief Editor, AARI BioScience <>

  11. Articles published in this journal will be fully Open Access after acceptance.                                                                                     SAMPLE CITATIONS:

Papers and reports submitted in periodicals

Bryan, G.W. (1960). The absorption of zinc and other metals by the brown seaweed, Laminaria digitata. J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K., 49: 225-243.


 Papers in edited books:

2) Burns, N.M. and Ross, C.  (1972). Oxygen-nutrient relationships within the central basin of Lake Erie. In: H.E.Allen and J.R. Karmer (eds.). Nutrients in natural water, Wiley-Interscience pp. 193-250.



3) Round, F.E. (1979). The Ecology of Algae. Cambridge Univ. Press, U.K. 652 pp.


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